Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cat scratch fever... well maybe just scratching

When I was a youngster, about 11 or 12 years old. I started developing hay fever. ( I have cats too but surprisingly I'm not allergic to them or the dog, and I'm crossing my fingers that I never develop an allergy to them either) At first it wasn't too bad but eventually I would go for days where I couldn't stop sneezing and rubbing my nose raw. Over-the-counter medicines did absolutely nothing, and I eventually went to the doctor and they gave me a prescription for Zyrtec. I was ecstatic when it started being sold over the counter as well. I take it probably daily probably from about April to November. About two years ago I started to get allergic reactions to pollen and mold in my eyes, thank goodness for Pataday, though it is exorbitantly priced. Today, I was fine up until about 11PM when I went out to dinner with a friend and fellow night owl after work. And then it hit. I'm not sure what the hell IT even was. Perhaps it was pollen or some cleaning solution they use at the restaurant we were at but I just started to feel like I'd been rolled up in a wool sweater. My arms, scalp and back just itch like hell right now. I took more medicine as soon as I got home but this is ridiculous! My allergies are getting progressively worse as I get older and I'm starting to run out of options. I hate having to miss the nice days of summer for fear that if I got outside I'm going to be miserable the rest of the day. Or even opening the windows! We've had to keep the air conditioning on just so that the air in the house gets the allergens filtered out. I'm really hoping that this skin itchiness goes away and doesn't become permanent. Constantly feeling miserable from allergies and medications is becoming a real drag. Hopefully this skin thing is just passing and doesn't become permanent. I wonder if there is some kind of herbal antihistamine that can be taken that doesn't knock you on your ass. Will have to research it, in between clawing my skin off and sneezing, that is.
Lately, I've also become extremely wary of bees and wasps. My brother and I had a lot of bee stings as kids so we are both afraid of them. There is something kind of funny and sad about two twenty-something adults running away from a bumble bee like small children. With my increased allergy sensitivity I'm doubly wary because I have no idea if I've become more severely allergic to bee stings or not. I'm not about to go out and try to test the theory either. (who gets killed by bees? Fuck bees! Tee hee Dane Cook :D) Not only that but I also had the misfortune of being a target for spiders too. The insect world has apparently been against me from birth.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Gaming related hilarity:The Guild and Tangents

So, after coming home from a wonderful 10 hour day at work today, I sat down to peruse my various social networking sites (Side note: I want a super app named "twitmyface" thanks Bradley for putting that idea in my head, though I'm pretty sure you'll never read this, I'm giving credit where credit is due). I wandered over to and they had this lovely little gem of a Youtube video there . Go ahead, watch it, I'll wait... done? Wasn't that AWESOME! If you liked that I highly recommend the web series they have on youtube called The Guild. Felicia Day is in it and she is SPECTACULAR!! Also, just because I feel like shamelessly plugging stuff that I like, you should also check out Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog. And, while not a Joss creation, my favorite spaceship Captain is starting the second season of his show Castle!!! I'll probably blog like crazy on night of the Second season premiere. Anyway, now that THAT tangent has played itself out, where were we? Ah yes, gaming! For those of you who don't know I used to be a big MMORPG player. I've been playing for about 10 years but in the past 6 months or so I've temporarily hung up my gauntlets because of work, school and real life commitments. Not to mention being in a bit of a rut when it came to the games that I was playing and I just wasn't,"feeling it" I guess. Also, it really doesn't help keep the carpal tunnel at bay when you are working on computers for 8 hours day and then gaming on them for another 5 or 6 at night. Typing not so bad but mouse hand says OUCH! Anyway, I think thats all for tonight.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Blogging you say?

Well, I'm going to make an attempt at this blogging thing. Not sure what I'm going to make it about yet. School? Work? Paganism? Video Games? Dieting? My cats? All of the above? All I know is that tonight, of all nights, I've decided that this would be an extremely good idea! Perhaps that little urge to write that I get every-so-often will be sated by giving it some kind of direction... some kind of focus. That and my typing is infinitely better than my handwriting, which would make even the most fervent chickens rife with envy. It may not save me impending carpal tunnel... but I'm hoping that it will help the wheels in my brain stop spinning so much. Or maybe at least... start spinning in the right direction?